Returning to Failure

A few years ago I spent some time trying my hand of game design. The first attempts were utter failures but frankly that is to be expected. Just as your first writing or any artistic endeavors are likely to fail as you learn what it is you do not know but need to understand so it is with game design.

Now I feel like returning to that process and trying my hand again. For the last couple of weeks my mind has been buzzing with a space themed worker placement game concept. A worker placement or action drafting game is one where the key mechanic is placing a token that represents a worker on an action spot that produces an effect or resource for the player. There are limited spots and the spots generally have a limited capacity so that players block action to others when they occupy those positions. Last year my nephew introduced me to Viticulture, a game whose theme is wine production and it quickly became one of my favorites, (Particularly when you bring in the expansion which I think improves the play tremendously.) My friends and me will play a couple of games of Viticulture  every weekend and when someone asked if there were space themed worker placement games my researched indicated that there were very few utilizing that theme, prompting this surge in creativity.

Working under the title of Space Force!  I have begun making design notes for this came and who know in a month or two I may have something to test out.
