Daily Archives: December 26, 2018

A Whole Lot of Bonus Material

Christmas has come and gone and today I will return to the spice mines known as the day-job but feeling happy and reinvigorated.

For the gift-giving holiday my sweetie-wife and I really only exchange gifts with each other keeping the holiday a small personal affair. We do not have a large elaborate dinner, we do not overly decorate, there’s a lighted wreath that she’s fond of and that’s about it not even a tree, and beyond watching Rare Exports  a Finnish horror comedy about Santa Claus, we don’t even have a holiday tradition.

Our gifts mostly come from wish lists we curate on Amazon so the wrapping manages to avoid disappointed surprise. In addition to some nice new clothes, my sweetie-wife gifted me with a number of new film on Blu-ray for my library: Hail Caesar, Get Out, Kong: Skull Island, andAnnihilation.I love all these movies and the discs come with a lot of bonus material that I have already been digging my way through. Last night I watched all the production videos for the surreal and compelling SF film Annihilation.

In addition to the gifts and a lovely steak dinner, see non-traditional, we went out for an early showing of Aquaman,  short review, fun but flawed, not as good asWonder Woman  but better than the rest of the DC movies excepting the Christopher Nolan Batman  franchise.

All in all it was a pleasant day spent with someone I love and I hope yours was the same.
