Daily Archives: December 19, 2018

Podcast Review: You Must Remember This

A couple of weeks ago I gave NPR’s 1A podcast a spin as they were discussing film and the demise of Filmstruck a specialized streaming service. One of the show’s guests, Karina Longworth, caught my attention and I followed her back to her own podcast You Must Remember This, dedicated to the hidden and/or forgotten history of Hollywood’s first century.

I adore this podcast!

Karina has been producing weekly episode for a few years producing a treasure trove for me to discover. She will often create a theme for an entire season, such as Bela and Boris following the lives and careers of the two horror icon, or Charles Manson’s Hollywood, tracing out the byzantine connections between Manson, his ‘family’, and the film and recording stars that he crossed paths with.

Each episode is thoroughly researched and presented in a clear easily followed manner. Karina’s delivery is more polished, more conversational, and more intimate than most podcaster’s creating the impression of a knowledgeable friend sharing their deep understanding of Hollywood over drinks.

There is no doubt that Karina, and I use her first name because the podcast is so well crafted at creating intimacy, approaches the subject from a feminist perspective, pulling back the curtain on Hollywood’s and by extension, society’s distorted and dismissive attitudes towards women in general and the pedestal with chains that is the ‘sex symbol.’

The most frustrating aspect to her podcast has nothing to do with Karina or her material. It is that she will often mention or discuss a film that interests me and I too quickly discover that I have no way to watch it. (I’m looking at you in-color noir Desert Fury.)

I desperately wish I could get her opinion on my film inspired SF noir novel, no doubt she’d have illuminating and a fascinating take.

If you have a love classic Hollywood and history then you should not miss the podcast. You Must Remember ThisĀ is available on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, and many other podcast venues.
