Movie Review: The Favorite

Sunday my sweetie-wife and drove over to a local Art House multiplex and took in a screening of The Favorite. Set during the 17th century reign of Queen Anne (Olivia Coleman) of England and concerns the backstabbing and manipulation of two women as they scheme for the personal and romantic favors of the monarch. Sarah Chruchill (Rachel Weiss) is Anne’s lifelong confidant and partner; she often speaks for the Queen in matters of state and is pragmatic. The palace and the court are upset by the arrival Abigail Hill (Emma Stone), a woman who had been born into means but due to her father’s disastrous decisions and addiction had now fallen to the status of a commoner and servant. Abigail cunning and ruthless manipulates her way into the Queen’s favor while being manipulated herself by Sarah’s political enemy Robert Haley (Nicholas Hoult.)

The Favoriteis a dark satirical comedy of manners presenting both the elites and the downtrodden as vain, manipulative, and immoral in their pursuit of power and status. As a historical film one should always remember that narrative film is there to entertain and not education so you need to approach the larger historical issues with a great deal of skepticism. However it is also true that manner of the film more absurdist elements, palace duck racing for instance, are historically accurate.

The performances in the film are flawless. The three leads are actors of real craft and power and even as Sarah and Abigail scheme and plot they never quite lose their essential humanity and Coleman’s Queen Anne evoke real sympathy as a prisoner of position and the tragedies that stalked her life.

The film falters at the end with a resolution that doesn’t quite land or resolve. In fact when the screen faded to black I waited for several moments not quite sure if there would be another scene to follow until the appearance of the title cards definitively ended the screening. Over all I enjoyed the film, but I can’t heartily recommend it due its failure to nail the dismount, but your mileage may vary.
