Picking and Choosing Your Acts of God

This morning as consumed my breakfast scanning the political stories at the sites, both left and right, that I habitually visit at the start of my day; I spotted a headline over at the American Conservative linking global warming and God’s Judgment. The author Rod Dreher is a devout Christian and tends to tie nearly all of his political thinking back to his religious beliefs. Today he had column title ‘Judgment By Fire‘ portraying global warming as a divine judgment and that included this little humdinger, ‘I believe that there is a direct connection — not causal, but still a connection — between the exploitation of the natural world that is causing the earth to revolt, and the destruction of the concept of the natural family, of sex, and even of the human person.

Wow, divorce, gays, and abortion are contributors to God’s displeasure and thus him stands aside and permits physics to warm the Earth.

He clarified his position with; ‘Judging from the comments, lots of folks misunderstand what I mean by “God’s judgment.” It’s not a matter of God pointing his finger at us from a cloud and ordering the climate to change to punish us. It’s a matter of Him giving us what we asked for, so to speak. For example, the Civil War was God’s judgment on America for slavery, in my view.’

That’s a very interesting perspective and it prompts me to wonder what other man-made calamities are to result of ‘God’s Judgment’ and just who was that judgment was against?

The annihilation of the native population of the Americas, was that a judgment?

The Soviet induced Ukrainian Famine, what that a judgment?

The Armenian Genocide, what that a judgment?

Pol Pot’s campaign of mass murder, was that a judgment?

The Holocaust, was that divine judgment?

It seems to me that when you get to pick and choose which calamities are expressions of divine disfavor the divine is going to reflect your personal prejudices and to paraphrase the great scientist Niels Bohr, “Stop telling God what to judge.”
