Monthly Archives: July 2013

My Sister-in-Law

Monday morning Juanita Evans, a member of my family for many many years passed away.

Juanita came to our family when she and my brother Lonny married. He was taken too soon from us in 1980 in a act of senseless gun violence and now they are reunited. My heart goes out to their two children, my nephew and niece, smart, talented people.

Juanita was a kind and loving woman of deep faith and though her life was one that witnessed many periods of darkness, she never lost her ability to smile or bring a smile to others. She will be missed.

I live on the other side of the continent from my family, and artifact of my time in the United States Navy, but distance does not diminish the bond of family. I hope she find peace, and love in the presence of the God she believed in.


Warner Instant Archive – Review

Anyone who knows me, who has read even a smattering of this blog, knows that I adore movies. In fact one of my earliest memories of life is from a movie that I was playing, I think, upon a drive-in screen. (No, I don’t know the title and that frustrates me.) So when I learned that Warner Brothers Studios had started a new streaming service based around their deep catalog I was excited. Luckily the service came with a free two week trial.
I started two weeks, minus a day, ago and I have watched several films by way of their streaming service. Today I canceled the service and even if I were fully employed I still would have canceled. Continue reading


A real test today

I needed to keep the car today as I had a job interview. After dropping my sweetie-wife off at her job I headed home, fighting enormous hunger pains. I’m trying to be very good about the zero sugar and very little carbs requirements of my new diet and the desire for a McMuffin was nearly irresistible. I decided that more normal breakfast,a very modest thing simply would not do, and stopped off at a supermarket to picked up a small steak so I could have steak and eggs for breakfast. (My favorite breakfast meal.)

I didn’t get the steak but I did get sausage and and made a nice sausage omelet. I managed to shop and get home with giving in to those carbs that were ever so testing my WILL save.

The interview went well and now the waiting begins. You would think that as an aspiring author I would be better at waiting, but I am not.

