Daily Archives: February 12, 2013

Mini-Review Number 1: Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted

These reviews are not in the order I watched them in, but in just whatever random order they occur to me in terms of what I want to talk about.

This documentary was the least satisfying of all those that I completed. (I will not review any based on a partial viewing, that is not fair to the filmmakers or anyone reading the review.) Media MalpracticeThe premise of the film is that the media, because of a liberal bias, failed to due their due diligence in vetting Obama as a presidential candidate,facilitating his election and damaging the republic. Perhaps this argument could be strongly made, but John  Ziegler is not the filmmaker to do it.

This documentary is composed of two major elements. The first element is John Ziegler showing clips from the media coverage of the 2008 presidential election, and narrates in voice over his interpretation of what the clips mean. He doesn’t support the arguments with facts, or testimony, but simply keeps pouring on more and more clips with more and more of his views in what the clips show about the people who made them. There are times when he seems fairly on target and other times when it strikes me as Oz in Buffy would say ‘a radical reintrupretation of the text.’ Without supporting evidence it’s John stating his opinion over and over. Very unpersuasive. Continue reading


My poor neglected blog

Life has been so topsy turvy of late that I have failed to do any updates to my personal blog. So here’s a quick update of what’s been happening in my life.

Feb 2, Superbowl Sunday, I took a solo trip to Universal Studios Hollywood.This was a blast. Because it was Superbowl sunday the freeways were clear and attendance at the park was light. I never waited very long for shows or rides and I had a wonderful time. I bought a year long pass and  plan two or three more trip during the next twelve months. Hopefully a few with friends.

Feb 3rd was the beginning of the crisis period. I woke with extremely bad stomach cramps and called in sick to work. But mid-morning I knew I was in serious trouble and through my wife arranged to see a doctor. (At this time I feared food poisoning.) The cramps did not go away and I was unable to eat. The doctor’s officer grew concerned and on Weds ordered me to an emergency room as they had been unable to get a diagnostic test approved. (see there are ALWAYS bureaucrats between you and your doctors, they just aren’t always government ones.)

I was scanned at the E.R. and admitted straight into the hospital for surgery the next day to remove my Gall Bladder; the third organ now removed from my original factory specs. (First being tonsils and second being my appendix.) Because I apparently had a nasty infection with the gallstones,  I was on IV antibiotics for a day and half and spent both weds night and thursday night in the hospital. I was released Friday morning with holes in my torso, pain pills prescribed, and an order for a week of rest.

I’ve been watching a LOT of documentaries on Netflix, and Amazon Prime — god damn this is so much better than cable TV — and trying to daily cut down my use of pain meds. The dosage I am prescribed is 1-2 pills every four to six hours, what I have been maintaining is 1 pill every 4-5 hours and today I tried to go without, but I wasn’t ready for that.

Soon I’ll start posting mini reviews of the Documentaries I have been watching.
