Daily Archives: December 13, 2012

A Turbulent Week

Oh, nothing life threatening to me and anyone I know, but this has been a week of highs and lows.

The lows were a couple of things. On Tuesday night I got a flat rejection from Writer of the Future for my 4th Quarter entry. Not Even an Hm. *le sigh* My arthritis has been acting up and today, thursday, it was particularly bad. No evening writing for me, just letting my fingers rest.

The highs have been fairly nice. Mainly in that my novel, ‘Command and Control’ is less than fifty pages from completion, and I have been very productive. (9 pages on Monday, 8 Tuesday, 8 Wednesday, and today the day of pain 5. That’s a total of 30 pages and my weekly goal is by sunday nights having 29 finished, so I am ahead of quota.)

My idea for a new SF short story is coming along nicely and I know exactly how it ends. That is critical to my writing process. Unless I have a clear ending in mind, I cannot write the story.

Best of all, Saturday morning, 10 am, my sweetie-wife and I are going out to see The Hobbit. yes!

