Daily Archives: August 23, 2012

A Choice Election

I’ve heard from side of the political table that this particular election is stark choice election. I agree with that, there’s a clear and distinct difference between the two major parties and what they are offering up for the future of America.

Where this tend to go wrong is the idea I hear that when the choice is made it will reveal something about what the population wants and what they have rejected.

I contend that no losing side in the election will admit in any way that they might have lost because of their message.

Should Romney/Ryan win, the Democratic side will claim that it was because of Citizen United and the unlimited cash that flowed from the Koch Brothers, but not because American wanted the Republican Policies, never!

And If Obama/Biden win, then the Republicans will insist that it was because the Democrats ran a very dirty campaign, the media piled unfairly onto the conservatives, and it was close, voter fraud. Just like the Democrats they will never admit that the American populace wanted the Democratic policies.

So while this is a choice election, it won’t change one whit our cold civil war.

