Monthly Archives: March 2012

another very busy day

the day job has been very busy and full of work. Well that means my job is safe, but it means stress for me. Oh well I can live it with.


I’ll have a proper post tomorrow.




Well this is something to look forward to

Today instead of going to work I went to my newest addition to my collection of medical professionals whom are looking after my health, an orthodontist. The office was pleasant, quick, and professional.

The short answer is that the orthodontist agrees with what my sleep specialist said two years ago, that my jaw is misaligned and should be corrected with surgery. My sleep specialist suggested the possibility if surgery to help with the sleep apnea, here the same condition, the misaligned jaw, is causing undue pressures on my teeth and as I age the likelihood of breaking teeth, as I did last month, increases.

I have a round of 3-D X-ray to get imaged, and a bite impression to be impressed and after that is analyzied we will know the best course of action. Depending if we can get the jaw surgery covered under my major medical to treat my apnea, it’s likely I will get that surgery. If not, we’ll make due with orthodonic work to realign my teeth and try to decrease the pressure. Either way it looks like 2012 will be another fun medical year.

Please, don’t think I am carping or complaining. I am fortunate compared to family members and friends who are suffering with far more serious issues. There is element of depression to having to go under the knife again, but truly I know I am still a lucky fellow.

In other mixed news, I have to say this was the nicest rejection slip I have gotten…

Please excuse my tardiness in responding to your manuscript – the better ones take the longest.  I enjoyed reading Love and Loyalty, but I don’t feel I can offer representation at this time.  The marketplace is more selective than ever and I must keep a modest list.  


Adventures in Car Buying

I have never purchased an automobile from a dealership before so Saturday was an experience and an adventure. It started early in the morning, not oh-dark early but 7 a.m. was still plenty early for a Saturday. It started that early because my sweetie-wife’s Credit Union was having a used car sale, 1 day only, starting at 8 and I wanted to be there when it open. Continue reading


Today has been more relaxing

Yesterday was long, stressful and tiring with the search for and purchasing of a new car. (A used car to be precise but it is new to our household.) It induced a migraine and left be very little time to prep for my D&D game. Thought the day ended well. I thank the game worked and I have several new plot elements moving nicely.

Today was a day spent with my sweetie-wife. We shopped, we ate lunch at a tasty deli, we procured mats for a our top protect the carpeting, and we played games. All in all a nice day.




A too busy day

No time for real posting, as I feared. Car shopping took far longer than I would have like, but in the end we did buy a replacement car. A 2009 Toyota Corolla that still under power train warranty until 2016, and full warranty until next March next year.

I test drove a Prius and I love how quiet and smooth the car is but man a man of my height cannot be comfortable in that compartment.


A busy day

I have no time today for a detailed blog posting, my apologies. Saturday is going to busy too as my sweetie-wife and I car shop. See you sunday? maybe?

ON the note of posting, how have people like the new style of long posts?



Not This Year

So in the past I have blogged about going to a writers workshop, and man that is something I would love to do. I feel like my writing is scratching at the door and that I’ve almost unlocked it. That with just the right mix of growth and direction I break through and maybe start selling. A workshop with professionals might be the tool that would make it happen. Continue reading


Boycotts, Free Speech, and the Costs of Organizing.

Given the recent storm of words, charges, counter-charges, and insults over mandated contraceptive coverage under the provisions of the ACA it’s not surprising that this has moved into the realm of action and boycotting. Naturally the boycotts against talk show personality Rush Limbaugh has been called righteous and also villainous based purely upon which political party you self identify with. Boycotts, like rebellions, are only treasonous and wrong in the third person, in the first person it’s noble, heroic and patriotic. There were precious few voices on the right speaking out against boycotts when country music radio stations were throwing the Dixie Chicks off the air because of their political stand. Some, like Andrew Sullivan, have called the boycotts wrong even if they don’t share the opinions of Mr. Limbaugh. I can understand his point of view, that it is regrettable when voices are hounded out of public discourse, but I do not agree. Certainly Mr. Limbaugh has the right to speak his mind and say what he thinks is the truth, within the bounds of slander and libel of course. That right does not extend so far that I must respect his, or anyone else’s, opinion. Whom I listen to, associates with, and support with my coin is a function of my own free speech. I rarely refuse to purchase goods or services based upon advertising choices, Id be much more inclined to walk away from a company’s direct action. In fact if I make a political statement with my consumer habits it tends to b buying a product or service from someone I feel is doing the right thing. Now, Mr. Limbaugh has been making incendiary statements for a long time, but this is the first time it has really hit him hard with strong effective blow-back. This I think is because of social media and the internet. Each passing year it becomes easier and easier for people to band together, pass information, and organize responses. There was a time that this sort of campaign would have taken weeks and months to put together, with people physically copying letter and stuffing thousands of envelopes, all at considerable cost. Now with the nearly free internet, activist can perform tremendous feats of organization while holding down job, going to school, and in general having a real lift. This brings grows the pool of activists, further lowering the bar and initiating, in my opinion an exponential growth in activism and effect. The Tea Party is an early example of this, one that is sending serious shocks through the Republican party. The ‘Occupay’ movement is an example from the left, but one that has failed to have the same sort of influence, that doesn’t however preclude another movement rising on the left. I expect to see more of this as time goes on. Our political, cultural, and business systems are about to be remade.


Super Tuesday and no heroes in sight.

I think the end is upon us. At least as far as my republican friends are concerned. Today ten states go to the polls trying to determine which republican will go one on one against Obama in the fall for the Presidency and frankly I don’t see how it is going to be anyone other than Mitt Romney.

Today will be the day that, like a train on a down slope, Romney begins picking up his unstoppable momentum hurtling towards the nomination. There may be minor signs of life within the other campaigns, but nothing is going to derail the Mitt. Like it or not the Republicans have stayed true to form and will nominate the next guy in line.

On the plus side for my Republican friends I thin Mitt has the best chance at victory. He’s centrist enough to not scare the moderates and that is where national elections are won and lost. For my Democratic friends the good news is that Romney isn’t a fire breathing social conservative and it a Republican that knows how to compromise.

That doesn’t mean I am predicting a Romney win in the fall, only that he has the best chance. Between Romney and Obama the contest could go either way. Though is Romney loses the chorus from the right will sing that it was because he was a moderate and not a ‘True Conservative’ whatever that may be. If he wins it will be proof that American truly love conservatism.

So from this day forth my Republican friends should practice wearing nose-pins so that, for them, the voting will be easier
