A very decent day overall

Today started early as I had an appointment to see my sweetie-wife’s chriopractor about my bum knees. Now I will admit to being skeptical as to the usefulness of this visit, but I agreed to hear the man and see what sort of things me might try.

He agreed with a physical therapist that had diagnosed my giant gait as being off. (Apparently I walk with my feet pointed outward.) After just one treatment the pain in my knee was gone. By the end of the evening it was coming back but far from as severe as it had been. I will stick with this and see how it goes for the next two months.

In the evening I ran my D&D game and that game went pretty well.

edited for spelling



2 thoughts on “A very decent day overall

  1. Missy

    You actually CAN walk with your feet pointed outward IF (BIG if!!) you are turning your leg out from the hip, using that to create the outward rotation. Unless you have danced ballet, you don’t naturally do this so most ordinary people who duck walk are in fact stretching the tendons around the ankle and this throws the knees off. It is very painful. A. had to stop dancing because he was forcing the turn-out from the foot and he was collapsing his arches because of it. (A special OW! believe me.) Always, always – toes and knees in allignment!! Whether it is walking, dancing, deep knee bends, fencing or any other leg related activity.

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