Presidential Campaign Songs

This is a bit of a kerfuffle over the songs used by the various republican candidates for president.  Mostly the liberal songwriters aren’t happy with their songs being used by conservative politicians, and that is of course their right, both as citizens and copyright holders.

My problem that these self-selected songs rarely capture for me the true sprit of each candidate, Here are my suggestions for the right campaign songs, with the You Tube clips since none are very modern.


First up Mitt Romney, the candidate assembly in a pollster’s lab to say and do what is programmed to be president. I give, Mr. Roboto by Styx

Rick Santorum is of course the candidate of proper socially right conservative values, an American where men and women knew their roles and the guidance of God was never taken for granted. For Him I have selected, Thank God I’m A Man from the musical Shock Treatment.

Newt Gingrich is an odd duck. He both wants us the respect and value our traditions, but in a fundamental and transformational way that heralds the future. For such an oxymoronic mission statement I once again turn to the musical Shock Treatment and I give you Farely’s Song.

Ron Paul, the staunchly pro-life libertarian who desires an end to the madness with invented in the 20th century call finance and think return to the gold standard is the way to prosperity, only one song truly fits him. I give you Queen’s I’m Slightly Mad.

Of all of these men are running to replace our current President, who hasn’t yet started playing a campaign song, but we should find one for him anyway. Given the fights between the entertainment industry and SOPA where the studios threatened to cut off the cash I thought about Billy Joel’s ‘Say Goodbye to Hollywood,” but that didn’t really capture Obama himself the man who proclaimed his election might mark the moment the seas ceased to rise. So once again I turn to the musical Shock Treatment (Yeah I really like that movie) and I give you Me of Me


