2011 The year that was

Tomorrow marks the last day of year 2001 and it has been an interesting period.

I’m not going to discuss the grand world-shaking events, either you know them or you’re not interested, but rather I’m going to look back on this year for myself and what I had hoped to achieve.

Of course I wanted to make sales as a writer and that did not happen. I did gather some encourgaing rejection slips, having more than a couple of time achieved that level where the rejections were no longer simple forms, but rather brief notes and comments. (To be said I might still have made a sale, a short story sent out two months ago under my non-genre name is still outstanding.)

Despite the lack of sales I am happy with my progression as a writer this year. Thanks to a course I purchased, my crafting of sentences has improved, and the feedback and support from The Mysterious Galaxy Writers’ Group has been a real boon. I completed a rewrite of my novel “Love & Loyalty.” I sent out about 55 query letters to agents and twice I have been invited to submit partials. Next goal get asks to submit fulls.

On my health things continue to improve. My migraine headaches appear to be totaly under control and weeks now go by without any serious headaches. Except for the events of last week, my arthritis is uncontrol and rarely a serious bother to my life and a full year on CPAP has again given me energy and vitality.

I am deeply happy in my marriage, counting that as my greatest blessing.

My material life is one of comfort and with no unmet needs. I managed to attended WorldCon 2011 and a number of other SF conventions and I cheered the continuing career of my firend Gail Carriger.

This year has been a good year and I remain hopeful that 2012 will be even better.


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