Monthly Archives: October 2011

Sunday Night Movie: Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

This is the SF/Horror film that Hollywood will not leave alone. This film made in 1956 has become a classic of dark paranoia. The phrase ‘Pod person’ meaning someone who is not themselves, acting out of character comes from the plot of this movie. Holly will not leave it alone as this film was remade in 1978 staring Donald Sutherland and Leonard Nimoy, then again in 1993 as Body Snatchers, and yet again in 2004 as The Invasion.

While the 1978 film is  decent film and in some way is more consistent with the original vision of the movie, none of the remakes are as good as the original. This essay will have spoilers so if you have not seen the movie, stop and go see it now. Really you should and given that is less than 90 minutes long even you should be able to fit it into your schedule.

Continue reading


Headache Log


Started getting a headache that possibly from Caffine withdrawl. Took 1 dose of treximet as there was no possibility of caffine within the next hour.


Just a few tidbits

So I started a new work schedule at my day-job this week. Instead of working 8-5 I will now be working 7-4. Getting home earlier is nice, but my body hasn’t yet adjusted to getting up a little earlier. As such I’m a little fogged of mind and will not likely be doing any writing this week. (Also there is a convention, World Fantasy here in San Diego, starting on Thursday.)

It’s a shame about the writing as I just cracked a plotting problem for my SF noir idea. (Currently titled in my head “The Long Night.”) I did not want my lead character to be a cop or P.I., but rather someone not normally seen in the role of unraveling a mystery. I’ll make sme notes but not much more tonight.

Here are my latest movies on blu-ray.

A first rate superhero film and an excellent lead into next years The Avengers.










For the price I couldn’t turn down a blu-ray set of all three films with bonus material. (My set does not have the swag, it’s just the three discs. I dislike unusual packaging as it never fits well in my cases.)




Sunday Night at the Theater: The Rocky Horror Show

So last night I went to the Old Globe theater in Balboa Park to watch their production of The Rocky Horror Show. Now from earlier posts you may know that I was into Rocky when I was younger and I still have many fond memories of those days and nights. (Mostly nights, mostly.) This however was the first time I have gotten to see a stage production of the play.

The photograph to your left was taken from my seat and as you can surmise it was not a particularly good seat. (I got quite spoiled when I went saw The Tempest earlier in the summer and I was front row center.) The ticket I bought by way of Groupon and while I save more than have the cost, just look at that view. LUckily not all the seats in the balcony were sold and tan Usherette named Sue was kind enough to let me switch to some better seating.

This was certainly a fun night out for myself. (MY sweetie-wife declined going as the published reviews indicated a lot of audience participation and that was an aspect she did not care for.)

The play started with a video projected on the scrim you see in the picture, a montage of shots from various low budget SF films while two characters (Usher and Usherette) sang the opening song, Science-Fiction Double Feature. Not one shot was from any of the film mentioned in the song, something I chalked up to rights issues.

The play moved along quickly, though there was little of the feared audience participation. I suspect that near the start of the run the die-hard Rocky fans were there and did their thang, but now with the run ending November 6th less enthusiastic crowds were seeing the production. There was one bit from the audience  that was rather fun.

During the play Brad Majors by way of a video screen spies his fiance Janet Weiss having sex with Rocky the creation. In this production this was accomplished by a projected video in full silhouette  of the indiscretion mentioned above. Very racy yet without showing a thing in terms of flesh. (which neatly sums up the whole production style.) Anyway, Brad, angry and hurt, switches off the video and a voice rang out from the Audience “Hey! I wast watching that!” The actor playing Brad, his back to the audience  stays that way, gripping the prop console quite firmly. It was clear he was fighting the urge to laugh. After several moments he turned around, in character but it was a good moment of humor.

There were many moments when the ‘4th wall’ was breached, usually by an ad-lib from the actor playing Frank-N-Furter.

All in all a lively and fun production.



Stayed Home Sick

Last night, actually yesterday afternoon, I started developing a sore throat. BY the evening I was light-headed, dizzy and my throat had begun to seriously hurt. I went to bed quite early, I’m guessing it was about 8:30. (My sweetie-wife and I had just finished watching Journey To The Far Side of The Sun. A quite silly film from 1969.) I got out of bed at 6 o’clock to call in sick and then went straight back there until about 9:30 a.m.

I spent most of the day drinking water and being thankful I did not have to speak. By the end of the day the throat had settled down to just scratchy and I was feeling tired but not light-headed or dizzy. I was able to get some writing work done. Finished a new scene for Love and Loyalty inspired by some of the feedback at the luncheon and edited a short story that was very well received at my writers group on Monday night. Once both has been proofed by my sweetie-wife I will see about using them. The short story I intended to submit to Asimov’s SF Magazine.




Curiouser and curiouser

So this past Saturday I hosted the beta readers of Love and Loyalty to a lunch on my dime where they could give me their feedback. This is the fourth such feedback dinner/lunch I have hosted for one of my novels.

For The Mark Of Cain, it instigated a pretty deep re-write of the manuscript.

For Love and Loyalty 2009 version there were moderate edits.

For Cawdor it put the project on hold until I can find a plot that works. ( I love the universe but trying to shoe-horn in MacBeth had failed because I followed the original text too closely.)

That brings me to Love and Loyalty the heavily revised version. What makes this feedback dinner different is that in fact there are two groups of people providing me with a critique of the work. The people at the dinner are friends and co-workers, causal readers and little writing aspiration among them. The second group is my writers group at Mysterious Galaxy.

If I drew a Venn diagram of the two groups critiques, there would be a spot where the two circles touched and no more overlap than that. More interesting is that the two groups have totally different takes on the same subject matter. (I’m not getting into the details of their review as some are still outstanding.) One group might have said I dislike the characters while the other liked the characters.

I’m very curious to see what the remaining readers have to say.


Moday Morning Mirth

I had to take my sweetie-wife into the hospital for an exam so I’ve got a few hours at home to kill this morning and no Sunday Night Movie to post about. (I went to bed early.)

I saw this over at Andrew Sullivan’s blog and just had to share…




Politics and Rocky Horror PIcture Show Memories

Way back in the 1980s, when life was rough and fun at the same time, I got involved with a local Rocky Horror Picture Show group. For those not in the know The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a campy failed musical film that found a second life as a midnight movie. During the presentations fans would dress up as the characters and mime out the film in front of the screen, while the audience participated with MST3K style lines shouted back in response to dialog and events in the story. The story is one of mad science, aliens, Rock and Roll, and of course, Sex. The costumes for the film are outlandish, daring, and ignore normal gender roles. Continue reading


Busy Week

I’ve been hard at work this week on my writing thang. I’ve complied a list of nearly 50 agents that look possibly suitable for representing me as a Science-Fiction author, I’ve been busily making notes on my next novel which I hope to start serious outlining within a few weeks, and I mailed off a non-genre story to a print magazine. This was a first for me. Odds are it will not sell, but surprises do happen.



Sunday Night Movie: Amazon Women On The Moon

If you are a youngster there’s a curious aspect to cable TV you may have never been exposed to; Movies Until Dawn. Back in the pre-history ages, 1980’s, local television stations ran movies all night long, generally starting about midnight and running until the morning shows the next day. These early morning hours were hard to sell to advertisers and so cheap programing was needed. after de-regulation got rid of the requirement that only so many minutes our of each hour could be advertisements, these movies until dawn were replaced by the dreaded infomercials. (No programming ALL advertisement, what an advance.)

In 1987, just before they were to vanish from the screen, Movie Until Dawn were immortalized in the movie, Amazon Women On The Moon. The premise of the film is simple. It is a sketch comedy movie, and the frame that ties the sketches together as if channel surfing. There is a blast of distorted video and audio between the sketches as you are surfed from one channel to another.

The sketches in this film ranges from the freaking hilarious, the titled sketch ‘Amazon Women On The Moon,” is a lovable lampoon of those late 50’s early 60’s low-budget Sc-Fi pictures, to the truly bizarre, “Did you know every seven minutes that is a black person born without soul?” (I swear that’s Herman Cain in that sketch. And if you think I’m serious you need to get your sarcasm detector fixed.) I had not watched the film for a few years and I was concerned that the humor might have become dated, or simply lost its punch from too many viewing, but such fears were misplaced. Video Pirates, though dated in the technology it references, was still funny, and the cast of stars doing small insane bits were just as pleasing.

This is a movie worth seeing, but like all comedies I think it plays better with groups than with a single viewer. Though it did lift my spirits and gave me the exact mood I was looking for Sunday night.
