Why I am not going to vote for Gov. Perry

If someone does not accept evolution as the explanation for speciation of life, then that person is either ignorant, (Never learned the Science), an Idiot (Incapable of understanding the science) or a huckster (Knows the truth but is lying for his or her own end.) I will never vote for someone who places creationism on the same plane as science.


3 thoughts on “Why I am not going to vote for Gov. Perry

  1. Sweetie

    Another possibility is that he is irrational and could be swayed by someone else’s case against the theory of evolution. That may be what Bob means by ‘idiot’ though. Whether Perry is an idiot, huckster, ignorant or irrational, any of those make him pathetic. Ugh!

  2. Bob Evans Post author

    Rick Perry considers evolution ‘just a theory’ with ‘some gaps in it’ and it proud of the fact that Texas teaches Creationism. (Which it does not to do so would be illegal so he is proud of an erroneous belief.)

  3. Brad

    And yet Perry’s very very long public record indicates he does not govern as an ignorant person, nor as an idiot, nor as a huckster.


    Since Obama will be unable to run on his record, his only hope for victory is to demonize his republican opponent. No matter who that opponent finally turns out be be, whether it is Perry or anyone else.

    2012 is going to be one ugly and vicious campaign.

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