Monthly Archives: August 2011

Drive-In theaters

A few weeks ago while surfing around local internet sites I discovered that San Diego has two still operating Drive-In theaters. I seriously had though all of those had died away in the era of THX Dolby sound, and crisp laser projections.

This lead me on a brief internet search about the state of Drive-in theaters. Surprisingly they have a devoted following who enjoy the low prices (in San Diego you can get a double feature of first run films for $8), family friendly atmosphere, and privacy of the private viewing from your own car. (No annoying people right next to talking during the film . I once dated a girl who talked through an entire film, never went out with her again.)

Then our of the blue light lightening on a clear day this memory popped up into my mind. As a child I often went with my older brothers to a drive-in movie on the weekend. I suddenly, and vividly, recalled the popcorn being popped in our kitchen, salted, buttered and put into a large brown paper bag. (they kind groceries came in before everyone went over to totes or plastic.) Teh bag then being stapled closed to kept it warm and fresh until the movie started.

I’m very tempted to relive this memeory. Pop the corn, bag it and go to a local drive-in. I’d be the adult and I’d be driving, but some part of me wants that experience one more time.


Global Warming and particle physics

Late year I blogged about the habit of some AGW supporters using the term denier to denigrate their opponents. In that post I referred to the GCR hypothesis for global climate changed. In a nutshell it runs like this, GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays)  when present increase cloud formation, which reflects sunlight back into space before it get to earth, and this cools the planet. When GCR decrease, cloud formation drops and the Earth warms as more sunlight reaches the surface. The Solar magnetic field determines the amount of GCR reaching the Earth, so the solar magnetic field is a principle driver of climate changes on the planet.

The key here is cloud formation, a process not very well understood as the science not stands. The GCR theory is an outlier for cloud formation theory and as such the GCR aspect of global climate changes have been discounted by climatologist in general. (Note: I am not accusing people is hiding or ignoring evidence, some idea takes awhile to become accepted, provided the fact support them and they are falsifiable. To with look at the history of continental drift, once considered a crackpot idea.)

Well the GCR hypothesis for cloud formation has leapt over a major hurdle. The fine physicists at CERN have established with particle accelerators that GCR do play a major part in cloud formation. As current climate models all ignore GCR as a factor in cloud formation, and cloud formation is a critical element of climate modeling, the current models have the be redone. It is possible, perhaps even likely, that all of the climate change we have seen so far is due to increased GCR reaching the Earth as the solar cycle varies.


Why I am not going to vote for Gov. Perry

If someone does not accept evolution as the explanation for speciation of life, then that person is either ignorant, (Never learned the Science), an Idiot (Incapable of understanding the science) or a huckster (Knows the truth but is lying for his or her own end.) I will never vote for someone who places creationism on the same plane as science.


Headache Log


Another event where my head did not hurt but I was photophobic. Again a single does of Treximet abated the symptoms without a headache forming.


Headache Log


Not a true headache but strong photophobia, that made me think it was leading to a  migraine. Took a single does of treximet and the symptoms abated.


Worldcon Day 2

There will not be very many ujpdates from the worldcon as the networks are jammed. Brad calls it Geek Gridlock. Too many wireless devices on the sam,e network.
That said the con is rocking and we’re being kept very busy.


Leaving for Worldcon

So in about 25 minutes we will be hitting the road for the ten hour drive to Reno and the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention. I am excited and looking forward to the convention but this one will also have an undercurrent of sadness for me.

My friend Pat, who lived in Reno and introduced me to fanfic and Blake’s 7 passed away last year after a battle with cancer. Going to a worldocn in her town without her will be a sad affair. I will soldier on and enjoy myself, it is what she would have wanted, but ..well there it is.


