Monthly Archives: June 2011

Announcing Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

My self published e-anthology of horror and dar Science-Fiction stories, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, is now available for purchases as most ebook retailers. At all the retailers the price is just 99 cents. That’s one slim dollar for five stories of of ghosts, murderous computers, unnameable things from beyond, and terrifying benevolence. If you are reading this odds are you are family or friends. If you do download a copy and read I ask one favor, please leave a review on the retailers website. Leave an honest review, 1 star if that what you think.

It is currently available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and the apple iBook store.


Headache Log


Started the day with an odd feeling in my head. After two foreign langauge calls developed a headache. About 10:20 took 1 treximet.


Sunday Night Movie: Primer

Well this is sort of a Sunday Night Movie post. You see I did not finish this film and I have returned it to Netflix unfinished.

I heard about Primer at a couple of SF cons where people said good things about this odd little time travel film. It’s about a couple of engineers who accidentally build a time machine in their garage. (apparently they were going for anti-gravity so it’s not like they aim small anyway.)

This film is short, just 77 minutes long and I think the filmmakers have disdain for the three act structure of narrative: Establishment, Conflict, Resolution. I watched more than half of the film, about 40 minutes, and so far no hint of conflict and what establishment there was mainly concerned their engineer speak. It was literally like 40 min of Star Trek techonobabble and zero character. I mean that. When I stopped the disc and went to bed last night I could not name the characters, I could not tell you anything about their personality or natures beyond they were engineers and one was apparently married. (Or living together with his GF and their daughter.) I could not say if he loved his wife, if it was a loveless marriage, if he adored her or had grown bored, nothing. As far as I could tell you take one of the pair and have them switch lines with the other and it would make not one iota of difference.

I stopped just after they started traveling in time to make money on the stock market. Really, once they started time traveling my interest grew less. For me to care about what happened I need to care about them and they weren’t people to me, they were walking talking exposition.

Well that’s my opinion and I am sticking to it.


Been away from my blog

After finishing Love & Loyalty I kind of took a break from writing in general including my blog.  This will not last long, writers have to write even if no one reads it.

I’ve started a short story called The Old and The Dead which is a zombie story set in a  retirement home. The initial 750 words seemed to go over well last night at the writer’s group.

My anthology Horseshoes & Hand Grenades: Tales of technology and terror has begun shipping to the major ebook retailers.  In about two weeks I’ll make the official announcement that it is ready and you’ll be able to purchase it from the major retailers for just 99 cents.

I still have not taken my post novel treat. I was very seriously leaning towards the Vegas trip, machine-guns and Manilow, but without a bird to keep her company I know my sweetie-wife would get very lonely, so I’ll defer that trip to the distant future. (like six or more months.) So now I am leaning towards the Universal Studios Trip. That would be just a day trip.

After a stint of short story writing I plan to return to the Nationalized Space setting for another Seth Jackson novel, m,ost likely Command And Control. (Wow, something about my titles lately run to the & format.)







The edits, inserts, and assembly for Love & Loyalty are finished! I added 71 pages to the manuscript in total with new sub-plots and extended sequences. I think it is a strongly novel and better written now, but only beta-readers can really answer that question.

A copy has been handed off to my sweetie-wife for proofing and after that I will hand it out to beta-readers.




Headache Log


about 4pm started getting headache with photophobia. Took 1 treximet and went to bed in darkened room for 1 hour. Headache releived but chills and dizzines presisted for about two hours.


Facing a decision

So, I’m about to start on the assembly portion of Love & Loyalty. For my others novels this was a very straight forward process. I write from an outline, proceeding in a linear fashion from cause to effect, beginning to end. I write the manuscripts, chapter by chapter and then put all the chapters together in sequence to make the file of the manuscript.

Love and Loylaty is not working that way any more.

When I started the editing on this pass, it was because my sentence level craft had improved and I wanted the book to reflect that. (It was not well written enough for professional publication before, now it might be.) I also made a decision to open up the number of points of view which allowed me to introduce new characters and new scenes that better explained th plot, provided more dramatic troubles for the characters, and hopefully hightened the tension. These scenes were written out of sequence, but I know roughly where they would be insterted.

Then after reading chapter 3 to my writers’ group the feedback came back that this should be chapter 1 and I agreed, so sequences were changed, events were changed so cause and effect would have the proper relationship to the events.

Now it is time to assemble the manuscript and I’ve had a thought and for the life of me I cannot determine if it is a good idea or not.

Love and Loylaty is primary the story of two people, Seth Jackson and the woman he loves Minou Shippen. The story alternates between their two plotlines until their lives intersect again and from there the story is the tangle of duties, loves, and betrayal that push these characters into conflict.

So the manscript went like this, a Seth chapter, then a Minou Chpater, back to Seth, back to Minou etc until they met and then it’s a combination from there on out.

The idea that occured to me is a book format. Book 1, Seth Jackson, all the events in his life until he runs into Minou again at Earth. Then Book 2, flashback and we see Minou’s life until she runs into Seth. Then Book 3, their combined story and conflicts until resolution.

I have no idea which way is better….
