Condor update

This will not be much of an update as we are about to leave for the convention. Condor, being a local convention, is one we attend from home rather than staying at the hotel. (My sweetie-wife does like to save the money.)

There were a number of good panels yesterday and I had a blast. We covered everything from why are zombies so popular right now to classic SF cinema such as When Worlds Collide. (Which I am now noticing is a suspensive sentence.)


Off for more fun and frolic, though today in the rain.


One thought on “Condor update

  1. Missy

    Regarding sentences – as we have discussed, sometimes poor grammer can be emotionally evocative. Case in point, “…to boldy go where no man has gone before.” Split any infinitives lately? In this context, though, it works. (Congrats on learning by choice the things that mean English teacher never bothered to teach you. Yeah, you!!!)

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