A very pleasant surprise Juggernaut

Last week when I stayed home from the day-job with a migraine one of the things I did in the afternoon when I was feeling better was surf the Netflix instant view queue.

For those not in the know, if you have a Netflix account and a Netflix compatible device, such as an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3, you can stream select movies from Netflix directly to your television. Sometimes even in high-def.

Juggernaut was a film I discovered by surfing what was available for streaming. I did not watch the movie that day, my headache was still too intense to allow full concentration. Last night after we finished watching our recordings of The Daily Show & The Colbert Report my sweetie-wife and went to the Netflix queue for something to watch. She spotted the Juggernaut in the ‘recently viewed’ queue — I had watched a few minutes to get a feeling for the quality of the production — and after a short bit of internet research she decided she wanted to watch the film as well.

Damn, this was one well made movie. The plot is simple. An extortionist has planted several large bombs on an ocean liner, he his demanding a large sum of money or he will not reveal how to deactivate the bombs. 1200 people are aboard the ocean and a mid-Atlantic gale prevents them from being evacuated. Time is running out until the bombs explode.

Now a plot like that can be done well and you will get a taunt suspenseful film, or it can be done badly and you get mindless action and explosions. This film was done well. For a bonus look at this cast. Richard Harris, Anthony Hopkins, Omar Sharif, Ian Holm, and a slate of character actors you’re sure to recognize when you see them. The tension in the film was quite strong, watching at home, with a headache, in a well lit room, I still felt it tightening my muscles. This is a movie I would never hesitate to show to someone. See it if you can.


One thought on “A very pleasant surprise Juggernaut

  1. Missy

    Netflix will also stream to the new televisions and some Blu-Ray players. It is wicked cool. (Unfortunately, images from “Farenheit 451” keep coming to mind – wall-sized televisions, “reality television”, etc. It is pretty freaky how accurate it was, except that books & reading material have not been outlawed in service to controlling information by a totallitarian state.)

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