It’s going to be a long day today.

Yesterday I got stuck sitting for three hours plus without the ability to stand or walk around. Sadly yesterday was also a bad arthritis day for my knees. By the time I went to bed both knees were hurting fairly steadily. I had hoped that when I awoke they would be better, but that is not the case. My right knee is going to be giving me fits all day. I can tell.

On the plus side I got several more pages written on chapter one of Cawdor and that seems to be progressing well. Today I take my laptop to work with me and I’ll utilize my new hour long lunch to get more writing done.


One thought on “It’s going to be a long day today.

  1. Missyfl

    Oh, I sympathize!!

    Arthur had federal jury duty once (Actually, he’s had federal jury duty twice – they REALLY like him for federal juries.) and the amount of sitting made his body sore. It was rather bad. He needed about two weeks (still going to work , etc.) to totally recover. Hang in there!

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