Interesting Research paper

So here a link to a report that I found interesting.

The basic upshot is that this scientist, Wolfgang Knorr, did a study to see what has happen to the atmospheric fraction of carbon dioxide over the last 150 years. The assumption is that increasing fractions of carbon dioxide will drive a ‘greenhouse effect.’

In contradiction to some recent studies, he finds that the airborne fraction of carbon dioxide has not increased either during the past 150 years or during the most recent five decades.

I found that very interesting.


One thought on “Interesting Research paper

  1. missyfl

    People seem to believe that we are the first generation to create carbon emissions. We are not. During the coal age, London was at its most polluted ever. The air in the winter was perpetually black. During the Revolutionary War in the United States, we burned and turned into ship masts virtually all the forests of New York state, per letters describing the area at the time. Going back 35 some years, when I was a child, we switched to unleaded gasoline to reduce pollution and the great metropolises of New York and Los Angeles and Chicago (among others) were in a perpetual haze from auto fumes.

    Carbon emissions are not new. Pollution is not new. The theory that human beings are melting the polar ice cap and irrevocably warming the planet IS new and is untested.

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